Special Olympics Presents


Most stories told about individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) lean on athletes’ parents, teachers, coaches, and classmates as storytellers. Inevitably, as the audience, we end up identifying with the caregivers and the story becomes about them, rather than the person with ID.

Special Olympics athletes stories are powerful and impactful, challenging viewers to rethink what they know about people with ID involved with high-performance sports, global leadership, and workplace contributions. In this video, we feature media sensation and Adidas sponsored athlete, Chris Nikic, the first person with Down syndrome to complete an IRONMAN.

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In this piece, Chris controls the narrative. This is an important distinction because the story highlights Chris’ independence and allows audiences to find points of relatability. We introduce the world to the man behind the IRONMAN in this 10-minute cinematic piece that explores Chris’s deeper hopes and means of connecting with the world.